To the tune of the Beatles "I'm So Tired"
I'm so high, I can't even blink
I'm so oh oh high, into the couch I sink
I wonder, should I get up and get something to drink?
No no no
I'm so high, I think I'd like a snack
Running to the store -- I'll be right back
With yummy things to eat, and something to drink
Yeah yeah yeah
You know, I used to like you, but your last posts on Pervert Justice convinced me that you're just a worthless bitter mean-spirited person that interprets everything in the worst possible light and then refuses to recognize when you were wrong. May you never be happy and die alone and forgotten. Signed, your new hater.
ReplyDeleteHi, "cager" here. Reminder that you deserve to die. Thanks.
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ReplyDeleteI'm back to wish death upon you. Thanks, bye.
ReplyDeleteHey terrorist sympathizer, get killed already, thanks.