
30 September 2017

I'm So High (Parody)

To the tune of the Beatles "I'm So Tired"

I'm so high, I can't even blink
I'm so oh oh high, into the couch I sink
I wonder, should I get up and get something to drink?
No no no
I'm so high, I think I'd like a snack
Running to the store -- I'll be right back
With yummy things to eat, and something to drink
Yeah yeah yeah

08 September 2017

Sharing Needles, Sharing Blood?

The subject of IV drug use came up today in the context of sharing dirty equipment.

We know that there's enough blood left in the syringe from the previous user to potentially pass diseases, right?

Now, people have different blood types, and it's really not a good idea to give, say, B- to someone with A+ blood. In fact, it can be fatal to mix different blood types.

Which got me wondering -- do IV drug users ever have bad reactions to other users' blood types?